Your Standard of Living
Your Standard of Living
The human body is a complex network of interconnected organs, fluids, and cells that, like any other living thing, depends on optimal functioning of each component to prevent sickness and illness.
If you picture your body as a football team, you don't even need a basic understanding of the game to know who your home team is and who your opponent is. The football field is a metaphor for your life, beginning with the first play—your birth—and ending with the last goal—your death. Everyone on the other side, even the evasive obstacles, is out to ruin your day by taking the ball and running away. I refer to this as the early demise that occurs as a result of sickness.
Big free-radicals and chronic inflammatory diseases make up the other side; they never rest and will keep fighting until they win. With each breath, free radicals enter your developing body and begin their assault on your cells. This process begins the moment you are born. Without an electron, molecules or atoms are free-radicals, and they will attack every cell they come into touch with in an attempt to steal an electron. Until they achieve their goal, free radicals will keep assaulting, damaging any healthy cells in their path. There will always be free-radicals. Polluted air and water, processed foods, and injuries and traumas are all potential sources of free radicals. Medications we take to get well also contribute to free radical damage, although this kind of free radical damage is known as "side effects." Sometimes we have to take medicine to fight off a major sickness, but while we're on those meds, we need to remember to strengthen our immune system. By doing so, we can lessen the impact of the adverse effects and speed up our road to recovery. The minute you take a breath, more free radicals join the fray and begin to do damage. Chronic inflammation is the second enemy; experts are describing it as a silent killer. The human body is a very complex system; when it detects harm, it dispatches a home team member, inflammation, to help repair the affected area and mount an immune response. It gets trickier: free radicals don't merely damage cells when they steal electrons; they alter or deform them, turning them into even more free radicals. Then, when the body's healthy inflammation tries to shield the damaged cell, the unhealthy cell turns on the inflammation and steals electrons from it. When these normally benign inflammatory cells undergo mutations or deformities, they transform into chronic inflammation that targets our bodies' vital tissues. Wow, this sets in motion a cascade of subsequent occurrences. Keep in mind that there are two teams competing in a football game.
Even though you need to breathe to stay alive, you should be aware that every time you do, harmful free radicals are entering your body. But if you replenish your team's energy with antioxidants, you can win the game. Anti-oxidants are the main participants; they are atoms or molecules that can donate an additional electron to a free radical. At this point, the free-radical is switching sides and is now working for your side. In my view, this is the best way to strengthen your immune system, which is also known as your team forces. Your immune system is like a coach for your team; it knows exactly when and how to deploy its players to battle any intruders your body encounters. However, your immune system needs nutrients, so make sure to take in plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants every day. If you deprive your immune system of the nutrition it needs, it won't be able to provide the support your team needs to win. Although most people don't begin taking multi-vitamins until they are older, it is imperative that parents begin dosing their children with these supplements and nutrition education at an early age. Due to their unhealthy diets, people in this nation are getting diabetes at alarming rates, with some cases affecting those as young as 20 years old. We are witnessing a disturbing trend here. The "hardening of their arteries" that results from many 30-year-olds' unhealthy diets is another cause of heart disease. How terrifying!
Tell me what you had for lunch. As you read this, you're breathing filthy air; what protective measures have you taken today to keep your immune system strong? I hope you got enough of the nutrients from your vitamins and minerals; did you consume any fresh produce? Where do your kids stand?
There are a lot of anti-oxidants in plants—anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500—and in vitamins and minerals as well. The anti-oxidants found in vitamins C and E are the most abundant. Vitamin C can be taken in excess without negative effects on the body, but vitamin E has a specified daily dosage; exceeding this dosage can lead to health complications; it is important to follow the appropriate amount for your weight. Incorporate fish into your diet on a weekly basis; it is rich in antioxidants. Just think about it: the way you cook can really destroy the antioxidants in the food you eat. Steaming or broiling vegetables or fish in a microwave is not the same as frying them in a pan covered in grease. Foods are sensitive, and if not prepared properly, they can lose all of their nutritional value. Foods, like you, are living, breathing things. Do what I did and acquire a juicer; that way you can juice your fruits and veggies and be on your way to a better lifestyle, especially if you're a bit of a burner like me. The amazing thing about juicing is the endless possibilities for flavor combinations. By using sweet fruits, you can even entice your children to drink their vegetables. Holy cow!
Now let's take a look at the data: as a species, we have produced major pollution issues on our magnificent planet due to our collective ignorance. Pollutants amount to about one billion free radicals that we absorb daily. We can estimate that we will consume 3,600 anti-oxidants if we have a whole grapefruit, two eggs, and a piece of bread for breakfast (and don't forget to take our multi-vitamin). As a snack, we have a banana and some milk, which together contain approximately 1,800 anti-oxidants (if we're being nice). Our lunch of fish, steaming spinach, and whole grain rice contains almost four thousand anti-oxidants. When dinnertime rolls around, we chow down on a succulent steak, steamed broccoli with red onions and mushrooms, and a yam—adding a good 9,500 anti-oxidants to our diet. With just 18,900 antioxidants, we did really poorly for the day. We were confident we were winning the football game, but now we're losing. Where do we begin? Juicing fruits and vegetables is a great alternative to eating them whole because it increases fluid intake while preserving the beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. Additionally, the Mangosteen Fruit is a relatively new fruit variety that originated in Southeast Asia.
For generations, people in Southeast Asia have made a wide variety of foods using mangosteen fruit. To this day, a wide variety of traditional uses have been documented, including but not limited to the following: relief from diarrhea, inflammation, pain, fever, gastrointestinal issues, skin rashes, burns, headaches, parasites, diabetes, blood sugar, oral ulcers, dementia, anxiety, depression, cancer, anti-aging, and bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. With each new clinical trial and scientific investigation into this fruit, the laundry list of health advantages gets longer.
Scientists and academics from separate institutions have been studying mangosteens for the past 20 years in an effort to deduce why Southeast Asians do not face the same ailments that Americans do. In South East Asia, you rarely encounter the deadly diseases that afflict the United States. Researchers discovered this fruit's potential to aid in disease control when they started to investigate it. Incredible as it may seem, this fruit actually contains an unprecedented amount of anti-oxidants and a chemical component called xanthones within its skin. At an astounding 25,000 per fruit, mangosteens have more antioxidants than any other dietary source ever discovered. Holy cow!
Consider the Aloe Vera plant: it has just one xanthone but serves multiple medical functions, despite the fact that xanthones are extremely rare in nature. People started growing Aloe Vera in their yards and snipping off leaves whenever they had skin problems or burns when word got out about how excellent it was for certain conditions. Mangosteen fruit contains forty-one of the more than two hundred xanthones found in nature; this accounts for about a quarter of all xanthones known to science.
Xanthones: what are their uses? A novel class of chemical compounds including physiologically active phenols found in plants is known as xanthones. Xanthones are a special class of physiologically active molecules that share a six-carbon ring with many other compounds. This ring configuration gives xanthones their remarkable stability and adaptability. When eaten, each xanthone is able to carry out a distinct biological role due to its own distinct chemical formula. Because of their remarkable stability, xanthones are able to fulfill a biological role while simultaneously neutralizing multiple free radicals. Xanthones have a number of useful characteristics, including the ability to reduce inflammation, fight tuberculosis, tumors, platelet stickiness, and seizures. Recent research has established that the xanthones in this juice are the primary active ingredients responsible for its many health advantages. Because it is a food and not a medicine, mangosteen fruit does not pose the same risks as other drugs. There has been a marked improvement in the health of the thousands of people who have started consuming mangosteen fruit juice for therapeutic purposes. Mangosteens contain xanthones and anti-oxidants in abundance throughout its three parts: the pericarp, the fleshy fruit, and the seeds. However, these compounds are concentrated in the pericarp. You should be aware that xanthones are best ingested unrefined. To prepare mangosteen fruit juice, the entire fruit is crushed up. This way, every part of the fruit is utilized, ensuring that you get the maximum benefit from this remarkable fruit. If you would want to know more about mangosteen fruit juice, you can reach a recording at 1-888-374-4148.
You may strengthen your immune system and make it better at fighting off harmful invaders by switching to a healthier diet and drinking mangosteen fruit juice.
A high quality of life is in your future!
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